Easy Hijab Style 2022 – Best App To Understand New Hijab Styles

Easy Hijab Style 2022 is an Android app that provides a wide range of simple and easy-to-follow hijab styles for Muslim women who wear hijab. The app is designed to help women find new and effortless ways to style their hijabs while staying true to their religious beliefs.

The app offers a diverse range of hijab styles for various occasions, including formal events, casual outings, and everyday wear. The app’s focus on easy-to-follow styles makes it accessible for women who may be new to wearing hijab, or who are looking for simpler styles that can be worn on a daily basis.

One of the unique features of the app is the “Quick Hijab” section. This section provides users with simple and straightforward hijab styles that can be worn in a matter of minutes. The quick hijab styles are perfect for busy women who are short on time but still want to look stylish and put-together.

The app also provides a variety of tutorials and step-by-step instructions for each hijab style. The tutorials are easy to follow and include pictures and videos that guide users through the process of creating each look. The app’s user-friendly design and layout make it easy to navigate and find the perfect hijab style for any occasion.


Another useful feature of the app is the “Favorites” section. Users can save their favourite hijab styles and tutorials for quick and easy access later on. This feature is particularly helpful for women who like to experiment with different styles and want to keep track of their favourite looks.

The app also includes a “Community” section where users can share their own hijab styles, ask questions, and connect with other women who wear hijabs. The community feature fosters a sense of inclusivity and support among users, making it an ideal space for women who may feel isolated or marginalized due to their religious beliefs.

Overall, Easy Hijab Style 2022 is an excellent app for Muslim women who wear hijab and are looking for simple and easy-to-follow styles. The app’s focus on accessibility and inclusivity makes it a valuable resource for women who are new to wearing hijab, as well as for those who are looking for fresh and effortless styles to wear on a daily basis. The app’s community feature also provides a space for women to connect with each other and share their experiences, making it an even more valuable resource for Muslim women.

Real Piano – Play And Learn – Best Mobile Piano Application

Real Piano – Play And Learn is an Android app designed to help users learn and play the piano. It was developed by Yokee Music, a popular developer of music apps for mobile devices. The app provides users with a realistic piano experience, allowing them to play a variety of songs and practice their skills. This app has approximately 100 million downloads and has a rating of 4.0/5 in the Google Play Store.

One of the standout features of Real Piano – Play And Learn is its realistic piano sound. The app uses high-quality sound samples to create a lifelike piano experience, which can be adjusted to suit different playing styles. Users can choose from a range of different piano sounds, including grand piano, electric piano, and more.

Real Piano – Play And Learn also features a variety of different playing modes to help users learn and practice their piano skills. These include free play mode, where users can simply play the piano without any guidance, as well as tutorial mode, where users can learn how to play popular songs step by step. The tutorial mode includes a variety of different difficulty levels, so users can start with simpler songs and work their way up to more complex pieces.

In addition to the tutorial mode, Real Piano – Play And Learn also includes a range of different practice exercises to help users improve their skills. These exercises cover a range of different techniques, including scales, arpeggios, and chord progressions. Users can also practice their sight-reading skills by playing through a range of different sheet music.


The app also includes a range of different customization options to allow users to tailor the piano-playing experience to their liking. For example, users can adjust the sensitivity of the keys, change the layout of the keyboard, and adjust the overall volume of the sound. Users can also connect a MIDI keyboard to the app to play with an external keyboard and practice their skills on a physical piano.

Another useful feature of Real Piano – Play And Learn is its integration with social media platforms. Users can share their performances with friends and family via social media, as well as compete with other users around the world in the app’s leaderboard. This can be a great way for users to showcase their skills and get feedback from other piano players.

Overall, Real Piano – Play And Learn is a comprehensive and user-friendly app that provides a realistic piano-playing experience for users of all skill levels. Its wide range of features, including tutorial mode, practice exercises, customization options, and social media integration, make it a great choice for anyone looking to learn or improve their piano skills on the go.