MagicCall– Voice Changer & Prank Calling App is listed under the ‘Entertainment’ category on Google Play Store. The app is rated for 3+ by IARC i.e. suitable for all age groups. This app can be downloaded free from the Play Store/App store. This app offers in-app purchases. However, it may also contain ads placed by developers. A device must have Android OS 4.4 or above for this application to function on it. The latest version of the app is 1.3.33 and was updated recently on Sep 26, 2022. It was first released on 1st July 2017.

The application is developed and offered by BNG Team. The size of the Android application is 33.96 MB but varies according to the device. The reviews of 20K users have given it an average rating of 3.5/5 stars. The App has reached the milestone of more than 1 Million downloads.

MagicCall– Voice Changer & Prank Calling App is a funny app to make prank calls by changing your voice or by setting a different background. With the app, users can enjoy their free time fooling their friends on calls and sharing recorded audio on their favourite social media platforms. MagicCall-is the Best Android funny Calling App in Kerala.

Pros of the Application

1. It has multiple options to select a voice like a cartoon voice, Donald Trump voice, robot voice, etc.

2. It is easy to set a background. For instance-happy Halloween music, scary background, romantic, funny, football etc.

3. Cheapest way to make a fake call.

4. Even play sound emoticons like a kiss, clap, etc. during the prank call.

5. the Best way to spend time with friends.

Cons of the Application

1. There are chances of getting addicted to the app.

2. Sometimes, your friend may get angry after realising the drama played on him.

Download the Application From Here


1. Enjoy making funny calls using the REAL-TIME voice changer.

2. Make prank calls using backgrounds viz., romantic ambience, James Bond theme when talking to friends on call & add a little drama to your prank call.

3. Earn FREE credits on first-time registration.

4. Can test your voice before making the call.

5. Listen to your funny recorded prank calls under My Recordings or right after the prank call ends.

6. Record & share your fake call or prank call on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms.

7. Once the prank call is connected, the voice changer will convert your voice into a woman’s voice. And thereafter, you can have fun listening to your friend’s hilarious responses and reactions.

 Overall, the app can be considered a Voice-Changing Call Simulator for all ages and a best app for those who love fun.

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