Malayalam Dictionary Ultimate is listed under the ‘Books and Reference’ category on Google Play Store and can be downloaded for free of cost. It has no annoying in-app purchases but contains ads. A device must have Android OS 4.0 and up for this application to have size of 21MB to function on it. The latest version of the app is 0.90007 and was last updated on Dec 11, 2020. More than 100,000 users downloaded the app which is suitable for ages above 3 and have rated it 4.3/5.
This Bilingual Dictionary (English to Malayalam and Malayalam to English meaning) having the largest database (12.7 Lakh Result) is compiled with the latest dataset published by Oxford University Press. If you find an unknown word while reading EBook/PDF/Internet pages etc., you just need to select the word and copy it, the meaning of the word is readily available on your screen. You do not have to minimise the page you are currently reading.
The lightweight version of this dictionary Malayalam Dictionary Pro is available which is without English to English Meaning. Malayalam Dictionary Ultimate is the Best Android Dictionary App in Kerala.
Pros of the application
- Gives English to English and Malayalam meaning.
- Shows Malayalam to Malayalam and English meanings.
- Giving immediate result
- Able to bookmark the word
- Option to share the result.
- Pronounce the word
- View history with time and date
- English word usage with sentences.
Cons of the application
- Requires permission to draw over other apps.
- May interfere with your use of the interface in any application.
Download the Application From Here
- Capable of working without internet
- All in one dictionary
- Provides not only meaning but also synonyms, antonyms, and related words(if available)
- Delivers result of spoken word
Overall, Malayalam Dictionary Ultimate is best suitable for those who are interested in learning English and Malayalam language. As it has multiple uses, it is worth installing.